Friday, February 1, 2013


To execute DDL commands andkey constraints using oracle.

syntax of the DDL commands;
1.To create a table.
create table <table name>(<col1><datatype>(size),<col2><datatype>(size));
2.modify the table.
i)Alter table <table name>add ()<new col><datatype>(size), <new col> datatype(size));
ii)Alter table <table name>modify(<col><new datatype>(new size));
3.Dropping a column from table.
i)Alter table<table name>drop column<col>;
ii)drop table<table name>;
4.Renameing the table.
Rename <old table>to<new table>;
5.Truncating the table.
Truncate table<table name>;
 Example of DDL commands;
SQL>create table emp(empname char(20),empid number(4),desn varchar(10),salary number(5),doj date);
     Table created.
SQL>alter table emp add(age number(2));
   Table altered.
SQL>alter table emp modify(empname varchar(25) );
   Table altered.
SQL>rename emp to employee;
   Table renamed.
SQL>alter table emp drop column desn;
   Table altered.
SQL>truncate  table employee;
   Table truncated.
SQL>drop table employee;
   Table droped.
syntax of the type of constraints;
(a).Not null constraint at column level
<col> <datatype> (size) not null;
(b).unique  constraint at column level
<col> <datatype> (size) unique;
(c).unique  constraint at table level
create table  <table name> (col=format,col=format unique(<col1>,<col2>));
(d)primary key constraint at column level
<col> <datatype> (size) primary key;
(e)primary key constraint at table level
create table <table name>(col=format,col=format primary key(<col1>,<col2>));
(f)foreign key constraint at column level
<col> <datatype> (size)  reference<table name>(<col1>);
(g)foreign key constraint at table level
foreign key (<col1>,<col2>) reference <table name>(<col1>,<col2>);
(h)check constraint at column level
<col> <datatype> (size) check(<logical expression>);
(i)check constraint at table level
 check(<logical expression>);

 Example of constraints
SQL>create table pdept(dno number(5),dname char(20),loc varchar(20),primary key(dno));
     Table created.
SQL>insert into pdept values(134,'IT','sss');
     1 row inserted.
SQL>insert into pdept values(111,'CEVIL','rrr');
     1 row inserted.
SQL>alter table pdept modify(loc varchar2(20)not null);
    Table altered.
SQL>drop table pdept;
SQL>create table pdept(dno number(5),dname char(10),loc varchar2(20));
     Table created.
SQL>alter table pdept add primary key(dno));
    Table altered.
SQL>create table fdept(did number(5)reference pdept(dno),ename varchar2(20),salary number(7));
   Table created.
SQL>insert into fdept values(202,'ECE',100);
   1 row inserted.
SQL>insert into fdept values(134,'IT',1000);
   1 row inserted.

SQL>create table customer(cnum number(5)not null,state varchar2(20)default(‘TN’),constraint cnum-pkkey primary key(cnum);
    Table created.
SQL> insert into customer(cnum)values(11);
     1 row inserted.
SQL> create table emp1(eid number(5)unique,ename varchar(20)default(‘unknow’),age number(4)not null,esal number(7) check(esal>10000));
    Table created.
SQL>insert into emp1(eid,age,esal)values(1,23,15000);
   1 row inserted.

SQL>insert into emp1(eid,age,esal)values(2,13,5000);
   1 row inserted.

                  Thus the DDL commands and key constraints were executed  successfully.

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