Saturday, February 16, 2013

Add Specific Dropbox Google Drive Folders to Send-To Menu Copy Files Easily

Add Specific Dropbox Google Drive Folders to Send-To Menu Copy Files Easily

Dropbox, Google Drive and Skydrive are the most reliable cloud based online file storage with synchronization features. Under one roof of Google Drive and SkyDrive from Windows Live, one can store documents, spreadsheets, presentations from your mail-attachments in Gmail and Hotmail respectively and view them in the browser itself. Dropbox is even more amazing in its own ways likestreaming mp3 music or download torrents automatically. 
That being said, users should consider having atleast one of these apps in their system, because not only are they free, but you don’t need to scar about the loss of important data in your laptop/computer hard drive. Plus it makes sharing and access of data easy from anywhere in the world.
Include any Sync Folder from Dropbox, Google Drive or SkyDrive in your Right-Click Context Menu’s Send To option
After installation Google Drive and Dropbox is automatically available under the normal favorites section in left sidebar of the windows explorer. While you can drag drop file here but still if you have a deep folder hierarchy, it requires extra efforts to put your files in the right locations.
But for quick access to a particular folder in your Dropbox structure you can use this tip and add it to your right-click context menu’s Send to option. This way you can select one or multiple files and folders, right click and send them directly to your cloud storage for safe-keep. If you are a developer you know useful this is to check-in a new or updated file to any synced and shared folder on your Dropbox.

To do it, 
Go to this folder path C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo or use Windows Start > Run and type in this command  %APPDATA%/Microsoft/Windows/SendTo and hit the OK button.


After opening the Send To folder, navigate to the folder you want to add. Right click that folder and keep holding the right click and drag it an open area in the Send To folder and release. Select Create Shortcut from the context menu. Only shortcuts should be placed in this folder.

Now test it by right clicking on any file you want to upload and select Send To and the folder you just added. And it should work fine.
You can also use a special app called Right Click Enhancer to further enhance the capabilities of your right-click Send To menu like adding a collection of folders in one sub-menu group etc.
Words from Author: (Diana,who is a blogger by profession and loves writing, reading and travelling and contributes her writing to Raul Gorrin Seguros La Vitalicia). Since these cloud services are open, surely there will be security concerns. Individual prevention will help to overcome that. One should not store sensitive data and if it needs to be stored, one need to follow encryption mechanisms and password protection for the files of folders.
One should accept the modern trends since traditional methods like copying and transferring files external hard drives, CDs, flash drives etc., are outdated, and there is no guarantee for the permanent persistence of the data. But there is  more guarantee if the data is stored in reliable cloud services like Dropbox or Google drive. Plus all of them provide free desktop apps for using them, it let us use them effectively with folder sync and other features.

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