Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks
PART-A (10X2=20 marks)1. What is web server? Notes on Tomcat Web Server?2. What is relative URLs? Give syntax of relative URLs3. Write a script to display the position of mouse click4. List down the way of including style information in a document.5. What are the DOM methods?
7. Define JavaBeans.8. What are tag libr6. What do you meant by server side prograaries in JSP?9. What is SOAP? Define SOAP structures.10. What are the types of web services and its uses?PART-B (5X16=80 marks)11. (a)(i) Explain about basic XHTML syntax and semantics (12) (ii)Explain difference between HTML and XHTML (4) (8) [OR] (b)(i) Explain World Wide Web (ii)Explain various protocol used in technologies (8) image from image pool. (8) image from image pool. (8) 12. (a)(i) Write a java script program to randomly display (ii)Design your own personal web page using forms and get the value, use all the form
elements and (i) CSS border style properties (6) validating the same using the script. (8) [OR] (b)Write notes on (ii) CSS Text properties (6) (iii)CSS Box model (4) (i) Java servlet (8) (i) Java servlet (8) 13. (a)Explain about Document object model. (16) [OR] (b)Write short notes on (ii)Cookies and session (8)14. (a)(i) Describe the features of JSP with example (8) (ii)What does JSP scripting component includes? ith example (8)5. (a)(i) Write short n5. (a)(i) Write short n1 Explain with program. (8) [OR] (b)(i) Explain XSLT with example (8) (ii)Explain XPath wotes on JAX. (8) (ii)Write XML Schema with an example. (8) [OR] (b)(i) Explain the structure of WSDL? (8) (ii)Develop the web pages for railway reservation system using Web services. (8)
Question Paper code: 11387B.E/B.TECH.DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2011
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marksAnswer All QuestionsART A-(10*2=20 marks)P1. Define URI.2. State the use of web server logs and list the contents of a message log.3. Mention the need for cascading style sheets.4. Explain array creation in Java script with example.5. Explain in brief the interaction between a web server and a Servlet.6. List some HTML intrinsic attributes.7. What is meant by a XML namespace?8. Explain in brief about Java scriplet.9. What is meant by WSDL?10. Define Serialization. PART B-(5*16=80 marks)11. (a) Explain in detail the working of the following Internet Protocols (i) TCP/IP [8] (ii)HTTP [8] [OR] (b) (i) List and explain any four HTML elements in detail.[8] (ii)State the types of lists supported by HTML and explain them in detail. [8]12. (a) (i) List and explain in detail the various selector strings. [8] (ii)Explain the features of cascading style sheets. [8] [OR] (b) (i) State and explain the types of statements in Java script. [8] (ii)Explain how functions can be written in Java script with an example. [8]13. (a) (i) Explain about the document tree in detail. [8] (ii)Explain DOM event handling in detail. [8] [OR] (b) Explain the Servlet operation in detail with a sample Servlet program. [16]14. (a) (i) List and explain the XML syntax rules in detail.[8] (ii)Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a browser. [8] [OR] (b) State and explain the information in a JSP document in detail. [16]
15. (a) Explain in detail the XML schema, built in and user defined data type in detail. [16] [OR] (b) (i) Explain the JDBC database access in detail. [8] (ii) Explain the SOAP elements in detail. [8]
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